9 Reasons Why Desi Ghee Is Good For You

Desi Ghee

9 Reasons Why Desi Ghee Is Good For You

There are many reasons why desi ghee is good for you. Let’s get an insight into a few of them.

What Is Desi Ghee?

Desi ghee is a type of clarified butter that is widely used in Indian cuisine. It is made by simmering butter until all the water evaporates and the milk solids settle at the bottom. The clear, golden-yellow liquid that remains is desi ghee.

Moreover, Desi ghee has a rich, nutty flavor and is a staple in many dishes. It is also used in Ayurvedic medicine as a massage oil and hair treatment.

Here Is Why It Is Good For You:

1. Ghee Is A Great Source Of Energy:

Ghee is loaded with calories and fat, making it an excellent source of energy. In fact, ghee is often used as a natural energy drink by athletes and bodybuilders.

2. Ghee Aids In Digestion:

Ghee is known to be very helpful in aiding digestion. The short-chain and medium-chain fatty acids present in ghee help stimulate the secretion of digestive juices and enzymes, thus helping in the digestion process.

3. Ghee Is Rich In Vitamins And Minerals:

Ghee is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K, as well as certain minerals such as calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. All these nutrients are essential for the proper functioning of the body.

4. Ghee Is Good For The Heart:

Ghee is known to be good for the heart. The saturated fats present in ghee help in reducing cholesterol levels and keeping the arteries clear.

5. Ghee Boosts Immunity:

Ghee is known to boost immunity. The conjugated linoleic acid present in ghee helps in improving the overall functioning of the immune system.

6. Ghee Helps In Weight Loss:

Despite being rich in calories, ghee can actually help in weight loss. The fatty acids present in ghee help in burning stored body fat, thus helping in weight loss.

7. Ghee Is Good For The Skin:

Ghee is known to be good for the skin. The fatty acids present in ghee help in keeping the skin moisturized and soft.

8. Ghee Helps In Preventing Cancer:

Ghee is known to have anti-cancer properties. The conjugated linoleic acid present in ghee helps in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.

9. Ghee Has Anti-Aging Properties:

Ghee is known to have anti-aging properties. The fatty acids present in ghee help in reducing wrinkles and fine lines.

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